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2018年10月26日 (金)

磨墨知590-2. 時間とは何か





  1. A continuous measurable quantity forum the past, through the present, and into the furture (Longman)


   2. What is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc. (Oxford Adbanced Learner’s Dictionary)


   3.  the quantity that you measure using a clock (Macmillan Egnilish Dictionary)


  4. the part of existence which is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years, etc. (Cambridge Adavanced Learner’s Dictionary)


 5.  a quality that goes on and on without end, separating things that happened before from those that will happen. (The Lincolm Writing Dictionary)


 6. the past, present, and future; every moment that has ever been or ever will be      (Webster’s New World Children’s Dictionary)    

    過去、現在、未来;  継続するか継続するであろう各瞬間  

 7.  The past, present, and future measured in seconds, minutes, hours, and so on.(Scholastic Children’s Dictionary)         


  8. Indefinite, unlimited duration in which things are considered as happening in the past, present, or future; every moment there has ever been or ever will be. (Webster’s New World Dictionary)           ]

 9. A nonspatial contimuum in which events occur in apparently errebersible succession form the past through the present to the future.(The American Heritage Dictionary)

   10. System of distinguishing events; a dimension the enables two identical events occurring at the same point in space tobi disitinguished, measured by the intervalbetween the events. (Encarta World English Dictionary)

  1. A period during which something(as an action, process, or condition) exists or continues; an interval comprising a limited and continuous action, condition, or state of being; measured or measurable duration. (Webster Third International Dictionary)
  2. A rasional system in which events, following from one to another, can be measured; the passing of minutes, hours, days, or years (Randoum House Webster’s Intermediate English Dictionary)
  3. A certain point in the day or night, that you say in hours and minutes/ all the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and yeaes. (Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary)
  4. Time is what we measure in minute, hours, days, and years. You use time to ask or talk about a specific point in the day, which can be stated in hours and minutes and is shown on clocks. (Collins COBUILD New Student’s Dictionary)

   15. The passing of hours, days, years,etc. measured by clocks./ the passing of time/yeas,/ the process of time/ the years happnening and becoming past of the past. (Larousse English Dictionary(france))


2018-10-26  久志能幾研究所 小田泰仙


